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Université de Montréal


Exoplanet hunter


René Doyon heads up the Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx) and is the director of the Mont-Mégantic Observatory. He designs observation programs and develops leading-edge instruments, in particular the NIRISS, which the James Webb Space Telescope will be equipped with. His team was the world’s first to directly observe the existence of planets around stars other than the Sun.

Setting the course for research

Connected to the world and involved in their community, the astrophysics research teams are paving the way to greater knowledge of our universe. 

It all starts with our researchers

Our researchers specialize in exoplanetary, solar, stellar and extragalactic astronomy, in addition to developing leading-edge instruments.  


8 July 2024

A team of astronomers from UdeM has made an exciting discovery about the temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b: it could be a promising "super-Earth" covered in ice or water.

25 June 2024

A Canadian team led by René Doyon will help design and build the ANDES spectrograph, which will search for signs of life outside the solar system.

10 June 2024

Astronomy professor Jonathan Gagné will be part of the Landolt space mission, solving problems caused by errors in astronomical calibrations.

27 March 2024

Developed by two UdeM computer-science students, Mon Éclipse simulates the path of the April 8 total eclipse of the sun.

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